Strategic Postponement of Coalition Policymaking in European Parliamentary Democracies

Coalition policymaking concerns not only who decides what in which jurisdiction but also when, how speedy and in what rhythm. Due to the limited time budget and shadow of future elections, parties in charge of respective ministerial portfolios have …

Agenda Control and Timing of Bill Initiation: A Temporal Perspective on Coalition Governance in Parliamentary Democracies

Although democratic governance imposes temporal constraints, the timing of government policymaking activities such as bill initiation is still poorly understood. This holds especially under coalition governments, in which government bills need to …

Should I Stay or Should I Go? British Voter You Got to Let Me Know! Prime Ministers, Intra-Party Conflict, and Membership Referendums in the British Westminster Model

We explain the referendums on British membership of the European Communities and European Union from a principal–agent perspective between the Prime Minister and the rank-and-file. We show that announcing a referendum on the Prime Minister’s …

Discrete Choice Data with Unobserved Heterogeneity: A Conditional Binary Quantile Model

In political science, data with heterogeneous units are used in many studies, such as those involving legislative proposals in different policy areas, electoral choices by different types of voters, and government formation in varying party systems. …